After much hemming and hawing, I finally caved and registered for the prerequisite foundation drawing class at the Museum School, and have already had my first class. It wasn't bad at all, though I think my next class might be a bit of a comedown when we learn some basic mechanics, such as how to hold a pencil properly and how to draw different lines. Hmm. Not sure that will teach me anything I don't already know, but the first class was interesting, including some rapidly drawn still lifes. I've found that I no longer work well at a quick pace (oh! the pressure to complete a sketch within a specific time frame!) and that as feared, my basic skills are somewhat lacking in quite a few areas.
The instructor was nice: laid-back, knowledgeable, and at times funny. I've also reached the conclusion that it's okay to be working below my potential for a while if that's how this course plays out because I'm building classroom confidence (it's been a long time since I've been in school), reinforcing the basics I first learned so many, many years ago, stretching sketching muscles that have long grown stiff, and I'm meeting some pretty nice (and art-minded) people to boot. Oh yeah, and I'm fulfilling one of those pesky prerequisites I need to take more advanced courses.
No matter what, it's all good.