I've been mulling over the idea of going back to school. I don't think I can swing the whole college experience again right now (perhaps in the next couple of years though), but freelance studying at a museum school would be more than doable (for the most part). The trouble is, those pesky prerequisites. If I decide to take studio classes at the local art museum, I'm required to begin with drawing and only when I have taken the mandatory drawing classes would I be allowed to move up through the disciplines and the various levels within each. It may be the case that when they see my portfolio they'll realize that taking basic classes would be a waste of my time and money (but certainly not their tuition dollars earned), but I doubt it very much. The course schedules are very clear about there being no exceptions made. So would it really be a waste of my time and money? I suppose it couldn't hurt to undergo a "back to basics" education and to spend time with a teacher I could very well learn something new from. After all, everything is a learning experience when you look at it the proper way (and the social interaction with artists I've never met would be great as well). I'm concerned though, that if this were to prove to be a big, expensive waste, then I'm stuck. I'll either have to suffer through the remainder of the first courses, working well below my ability and being perpetually bored or I'll simply have to eat it money-wise and not attend at all (there's a no refund policy as well). Neither is particularly appealing to me. I more than understand all these strict rules the museum has set forth because by making it so rigid in the prerequisite field and leaving no "emergency exits" as it were, it ensures that their student body is comprised of only those art students who are very serious about their art and are hardworking and thus the studios are not full of a bunch of flibberty-jibberts who just want to mess with some paints. But regardless, frankly I'm stumped as to what I should do. The only thing I'm absolutely clear about is that I really, really want to go back to school in some form or other, and preferably sooner rather than later. Guess I'll ruminate on this one a little longer before I make any hard and fast (and expensive) decisions.
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