So art classes went pretty well before I got sick. I really liked my instructor for my technical drawing classes. Then I took a course taught by a teacher who was a very nice person but had to be the worst teacher that was ever given a class to teach. Egads. She started class late every day. She left the studio for most of the time allotted: a full three hours every day. She'd set up a still life and then-POOF!-she'd disappear, wandering the halls of the museum school for most of the class. She'd pop back in and stand behind each one of us telling us what we were doing wrong and then vanish again. Then she'd return to the room, gather up her supplies and leave for the day because she needed to catch an early train to avoid having to wait an hour for the next one. She'd leave thirty minutes early, every class, and expect us students to put away the still life she had set up, the lights, the tables, etc. As this was just around the time I was becoming quite ill with a seriously abcessed tooth (who knew it would be months before I regained my health?), I really had no patience with the fact that this woman who turned out to be only an okay artist was also fast proving she sucked as a teacher as well, so I withdrew from the class. Granted it was nice to be told that I drew with the delicacy of Ingres. Who wouldn't be flattered by that? But to be honest, I'd have preferred to have been told each and every day that I sucked and should hang up my pencils and take up working as a gas station attendant and have her stay in the studio for the duration of class to having her tell me how lovely my work was and then ponce off to god only knows where until it was time for her to beat feet for the T. I had every intention of picking up another class fairly quickly, but alas that was not to be. Now that I'm on the mend and have my energy back up to fairly normal levels, I'm ready to take another course but as it's currently between semesters, I'm going to have to wait until at least Spring before I can enroll in a new studio class. I'm torn between a more advanced drawing course, an oil painting studio, or a portrait class. Eventually I could take them all, but as time constraints will only allow me to take one of them at a time, I need to give some thought as to which I want to do first. All have their merits and all are equally appealing, so what am I going to do? I guess availability will go a long ways towards deciding which one I take come next semester and which two will have to wait in the wings a while longer.
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