I bought David some little japanese pears that caught my eye in the market. He loves sandwiches made of big fat slabs of sourdough bread grilled with goat cheese and pears, and these little guys looked like they would be very sweet and yummy (they were). But they were also far too lovely to not spend a little time drawing them before he sliced them up and sent them to their tasty demise. One chubby one in particular just begged to be preserved forever with its vibrant reds, patches of lime green and its jaunty little stem. These are the two relatively quick studies I did of it.
Japanese Pear, graphite on paper, 2009.
Japanese Pear, pastel on paper, 2009.
i LoVe thE ArtiSt BLoGs
You MaKe gooD aRT
i liKe yoUR observatioNs
Don'T bE LoNeLy
Thanks for the compliment. Can't help the lonely part, though!
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